Phase 01
Energy Efficiency within the Information Technology (IT) market segment is a relatively new topic. Not many Data Centers (DC’s) have given thought to “Do we have enough power?”
LITE addresses most of the major flaws of energy usage by DC’s. Simplicity is at the core of our approach. We call this “The da Vinci’ Rule” after his quote. “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”. The first step in deploying LITEis Phase 1 and its described in detail below.
Phase 1
We conduct an evaluation to assess the impact your current IT processes, IT competencies and IT systems. This general overview provides information needed to look for potential problems we may find during the Penetration Test (Pen-Test) we run. The test is an important piece to developing a solid energy management strategy. The test finds antiquated devices and all system files, and the date they were opened last. An ancillary benefit our solution offers is increasing your data security by locating and closing up open access point. Additionally, 30+1 has an added benefit of immutability of data due to how its stored. When we find issues we provide you usable solutions.
Phase 1 – Activities:
• Identify antiquated storage and servers that are active on the network.
• Build a Log report for devices to be deleted. These machines use more power than newer equipment and no longer meet performance standards.
• Discover all system files and their location, as well as the date the file was last opened.
• Build file log report based on file discovery for 30+1 file strategy.
• Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) provides real-time monitoring, detection, and analysis of existing and potential threats to your organization.
• Our solution is customized to fit your organization’s needs.
• Evaluates the mission and business functions of your organization to determine a recommended level of service.
• Incorporates a Business Impact Assessment to better mange risk in your environment.
• Utilizes existing technologies and offer software to enhance security with a custom solution addressing specific issues.
• Provide a detailed report of any vulnerable points of access into the network to offer independent security solutions if needed and proceed to, Phase 2