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LITE, an energy management solution for Data Centers  



" Climate change is not just about carbon pollution or melting polar ice caps. It's about the survival of humans and the well being of future generations"

LITE is an on-demand SaaS based energy management solution for data centers. The solution streamlines both storage and technical resources allocation and pushes resources to the workloads that need it.

LITE's an efficient SaaS tool that improves your technical resource allocation by 40% using 1/3 of the total devices. The solution includes a file placement and relocation strategy called 30+1. It's a sophisticated data model that free's up as much as 80% of your storage space. It was designed with flexibility and works with any file regardless of size or type.


Your data is never more than one-click away.


Installed in 3 Phase's

Each phase takes 30-60 days to complete. The process is proven and easy with zero disruptions. We help you protect your greatest asset, your customers. LITE, improves performance and protects customers files. Once installation is complete the some ancillary benefits are less network downtime and outage and you gain the ability to assign technical resources on demand to customer workloads needing it most.


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Once the last phase is complete your new usage baseline is established. Average reductions in consumption are approximately  50%.

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